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Tentang Big Bang. Iya, kalian tau kan? Bukan film komedi Amerika lho . Iya, cowok-cowok Korea yang biasanya joget sama bikin gemes ( uek ). SIAPA SIHHHH?? O EM GEE Merupakan seorang pembohong ketika gue menyangkal kalo gue gak suka sama KPop. Dulu gue bilang: "Kpop apaan sih.. Euwh...". Buktinya....gue mulai mendalami lagu-lagunya Big Bang yang kemudian merambah ke live shownya, wawancara, variety show dan...Running Man-nya. Hadeuh. Kena deh gue. Mereka emang beda, nggak kayak boyband lainnya ya. Gue bukan VIP sih, (atau mungkin sudah, tapi tidak mengakuinya) tapi gue mengakategorikan mereka sebagai bukan boyband tapi ya...sekelompok pemusik aja yang pake make-up dan kostum super heboh ketika di video klip ataupun panggung. Tapi gue suka banget sama lagu-lagu mereka lho, yang hits-hits gitu. Recently, gue suka "Bang Bang Bang" dan cukup terperangkap dengan melodi swag-nya "Bae Bae". Maklum gue suka joget, jadinya rada nari nggak...

Everyone is EQUAL #LoveWins #CelebrateFreedom

My parents taught me that being a person need to have a our own principals, to be our self and be respectful to others.  Right now, I am doing it. I have my own principals when it comes to animal rights and human rights. And most of you will have your own rights to disagree and close my blog after you see the title above. OR, maybe you are curious and continue to read. I suggest that you choose from your heart. I respect and appreciate differences. My mother also told me that differences are meant to be understood. So, I discover the world where people has to be themselves and to make differences for their lives to affect others.  I am proud to say that I respect queer people and thrilled that they have the right to get married, in the US, 50 states has been legalized gay marriage by The Supreme Court.  Why? Let's just say that the world is about finding your way towards equality. Yes. You had to remember when Martin Luther King freed African-American f...