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when stress takes over you

this was what happened to me when I thought I was going to throw up onto my drawings

1. "uh oh how pretty this shadow makes from my furniture template!! uwwwooww those squares and circles creates beautiful blurry green shape on my drawing paper...reminds of a monument in Kumamoto, Japan by Japanese architect Kumiko Inui. The monument called Shin-Yatsushiro and its for people who waits for the train (aduh namanya apaan yak), station!!. that monument won Architectural Record Design Vanguard 2008. How cool is thaat! she's only 41, weyy!

 2. "this french curve trying to make jokes out of it, trying to laugh so hard at my drawings. apa lo ketawa2??"

3. "pieces of my separate hands: 2 types of pencils, one Boxy, french curve and furniture template. my work: my very-slow-to-make-progress-plan drawing. 

4. "uh woow, how many drawings I've made?? can you count it with your foot finger??"

 5. I suddenly looked at my left side of the room, after had a long struggle to hold my dizziness after saw the progress I made.

6. I started to lay down on the floor and took this picture of my wall with a little accent with the tree I made last semester. 'WALL OF MIND'. mostly this wall drives me crazy because it reminds me of the deadlines, but it also tells me to keep on going for my goals. but, is it???

7. still I was laying on the floor. somehow I finally found sunset in my own room. I thought I never find it, I tried to look every where...... how pretty it was :"") *crazy*

 8. still I was laying on the floor. look at the light somehow shining through my artwork. I love those photos even it shouldn't be that way to be captured, but I didn't care, it turns out when I lined those on my wall, it become (well.. yeaah...) more interesting, at least for me...  

 9. I got back on my chair and started working again. 
suddenly I left handed.

10. fell asleep..

P.S: those are my abnormal activities (besides drawing), and I just realized that I had a short shocking stress moment. too much things to do beside doing those on pieces of papers. I wasn't suppose to fell asleep because on the next morning my lecture was asking the progress I made, a little bit disastrous that day, panicking all the way. why bother yourself with panic moment? just do complain..


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